Strategic Partners and Ambassadors

Strategic Partners

Right from the beginning, we decided not to become a charity, but rather focus our efforts on raising awareness.

With so little funding making its way to pancreatic cancer research and trials, we felt we did not want to dilute the market even further. There are four incredible charities in Australia who are already doing fantastic work in the pancreatic cancer space and rather than raising money, we have partnered with them to work together.

Here, you can read their stories and understand why it’s so important that they are backing our cause, and why it’s so important that we, and in turn you, back theirs.

Click on the logos for more:

GRF_CMYK      GI CANCER institute logo      Print


With such high-profile people as Tracey Spicer and Robbie Farah on board, there’s no stopping how far we can go.

Having Ambassadors such as Tracey and Robbie allows us to tap into their networks in the hopes of getting our name out there, and having a wider impact on a national and hopefully global scale.

Here are their stories:

Tracey green publicity pic        Robbie Farah

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